JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

Teiid 8.6

Other Scripting Environments

The AdminShell methods (named contextual connections, AdminAPI wrapper, and help system) have no direct dependencies on Groovy and can be used in other scripting languages.

To use the AdminShell methods in another language, simply import the static methods and Admin classes into your script. You will also need to ensure that the <adminshell dist>/lib/teiid-7.6-client.jar and <adminshell dist>/lib/teiid-adminshell-7.6.jar are in your class path. The snippet below show import statements that would work in Java, BeanShell, Groovy, etc.

import static org.teiid.adminshell.AdminShell.*;
import static org.teiid.adminshell.GroovySqlExtensions.*;
import org.teiid.adminapi.*;

Note that the provided shell and console executables automatically have the proper class path set and inject the proper imports into running scripts. If you wish to use scripts in a non-Teiid Groovy environment, you will need to manually add these imports and add the admin/client jars to the class path.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 12:49:40 UTC, last content change 2012-01-18 02:59:38 UTC.